About Me

no one knows all the things i’ve been but me. and no one needs to know. i have been a lover, a child, a sage, a mute, a fighter, a philosopher, an idiot, a saint and a real motherfucker. i am all the things i’ve ever been, all the time, and every day has the possibility of destruction and resurrection. of it all burning to the ground. and of it all recovering again when i’m not looking.

i’ve traveled in 23 countries and subscribe to magazines like GOOD, The Week, Psychology Today, Fast Company, and my favorite site on the entire internet is TED.com. My favorite authors are Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Stefan Sagmeister, and any story told by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean.

i prefer cider to beer, cadbury to hershey’s, the bus to the train, and i often boycott new year’s eve parties and opt instead for a night with the Neo-Futurists. one year i painted a mural of Hokusai’s The Great Wave Off Kanagawa in my apartment. i’m trying to learn Portuguese and take French lessons with my dad. i was an extremely nerdy kid and i still love dinosaurs and coloring books.

…here’s a broad-strokes bio of the last ten years including work, travel, and life

Young & Rubicam, Austin, Denver, Fleishman-Hillard

Young & Rubicam, Sau Paulo, Rio, CampinasFlorida

Leo Burnett, Nicaragua, Euro RSCG

Leo Burnett, Sau Paulo, Duodenal Switch Procedure

Wunderman, Nicaragua

Wunderman, Spain, France, Luxembourg

Nicaragua, Los Angeles, “Last DISPATCH” documentary, Boston, Chicago

Nebogroup, A Epstien and Sons, Braddigan, Dispatch, Elias Fund

graduated from Drake with a degree in Graphic Design, Wunderman Chicago

Semester at Sea (Bahamas, Cuba, Brazil, South Africa, Mauritius, India, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Japan), National Conference for Community and Justice

National Conference for Community and Justice

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